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Γλωσσική Εκπαίδευση για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες (LRM)
Είδος οντότητας
Educational needs of students with migrant/refugee background: Teachers’ views and practices
The use of technology to assist second language learning and teaching in non-formal settings for refugee/migrant minors
“Practices, challenges and suggestions of assessors in Centers of Interdisciplinary Evaluation and Counselling on the ways they evaluate bilingual students with migrant background for Specific Learning Difficulties ”
Self-representation through TikTok for migrant and refugee women living in Greece
Exploring the preservation of the cultural identity of refugee women in the Greek context: challenges and legal framework
Social inclusion through sport for migrants and refugees in Greece: The perspectives of professionals working in NGOs.
Linguistic integration of adult migrants: the case study of Greeks in Switzerland
Exploring issues of teachers' research engagement in the context of refugee and migrant education
Narratives of Greek language volunteer instructors to adult migrants and refugees: exploring practices and challenges
Unaccompanied minors in formal education in Greece
Προκλήσεις εκπαιδευτικών που διδάσκουν Κωφούς μαθητές με πολυπολιτισμικό υπόβαθρο.
Exploring educators’ views and practices on supporting culturally and linguistically diverse students
The role of NGOs for the protection of refugees and asylum seekers in Greece - Case study in the prefecture of Ioannina.
Teachers Resilience in Predominantly Migrant and Refugee Schools
Migrants in the Greek Labour Market: Integration, Language Needs and Vocational Skills in the Tourism Sector
Teachers' attitudes towards refugee or migrant students' psychological and social needs
Language education for adult refugees and immigrants: challenges addressed by secondary teachers in the formal context of Educational Priority Zones
The views of Greek and Arab educators on linguistic and cultural diversity
Design, Development, and Evaluation of digital material that is based on the Multimedia Learning Theory on students’ acquisition of essential communication skill
Supporting refugee children’s - with traumatized experiences - psychosocial well being and school inclusion: an intercultural approach.
Vocabulary learning strategies; The case of Greek native students and migrant Albanian students in Thassos.
Impediments in Adult Migrants’ Learning: Challenges and Strategies for Effective Education
Secondary teachers' perceptions regarding migrants' inclusion in contemporary school environments
Examining Issues of Inclusiveness in Greek Primary Schools: Teachers' Views and Attitudes towards Diverse Cultural Identities
The recognition of third country children's rights by Greek parents: a case study with Syrian children in Greece
The challenges and needs of preschool teachers in the education of Roma students in relation to the curriculum of the Greek pre-school education.
Exploring the Impact of Technology Use on Refugee Adults: Educators’ and Learners’ Views.
Refugee Displacement: Abdulrazak Gurnah’s Views as Applied in Intercultural Education
Teaching adult refugees & migrants the Greek language: Most frequent challenges & solutions
Educators' Challenges in a Multilingual Classroom
Exploring the Challenges of Language Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms andtheFactors that Affect Language Learning Process
The sense of belongingness in primary school settings: Immigrant children’s narratives
Young refugees’ narrations in short documentary films created under the “Home new Home” documentary project. Film analysis and audience response.
“Women and gender issues in contemporary Arab productions; challenging Orientalist perspectives?”
Delving into the educational methods and approaches that primary school teachers deploy when teaching Greek to refugee and migrant students.
Homosexual love and hedonism in Nuwas's and Cavafy's poems
On-screen approaches to the refugee crisis: A multimodal film analysis of refugees’ representation in Specters are Ηaunting Europe
The Representation of Irregular Migrants through “X” Posts during the Massive Fire in Evros Region in August 2023
The significance of critical pedagogy within intercultural education
The Arabic influence on the contemporary Spanish language and culture
Integration of highly-skilled migrants into the post-Brexit UK society and labour market.
Τhe position of women and their rights in the Islamic world in the past until today.The presentation of women through the analysis of two books of the feminist treatise
Building Bridges: The Power of Communicative and Drama-based Learning for Refugees and Migrants’ Integration
'The Common European Asylum System: A comparative study of its application among Hungary and Greece as Member States of the European Union'
“Public Diplomacy in the Arab World; a comparison of Egypt, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)”
Content and Language Integrated Learning , study buddy and interculturalism in the services of literature courses: differentiation and inclusion practices to address native and non-native students’ needs
Female Refugee, Migrant and Roma Rights in Primary Education in Greece
Issues of critical pedagogy: Tracing liquid racism in contemporary Junior High school language textbooks
The politics of teaching global history in the Arab World; a comparative analysis of the Syrian and Emirati school textbooks.
L2 Greek for refugee and migrant students with different L1s/languages of origin: Identifying teachers’ challenges and students’ needs
The human right to education:Social justice in the Greek educational system for refugees and migrant students. Critical comparison with educational system in France.
The right to family reunification under Dublin III Regulation and its implications for refugee children’s wellbeing.
Challenges and educational practices of teaching refugee and migrant children: A small scale qualitative survey regarding primary education in Greece
Education Reforms in Egypt and Tunisia after the Arab Spring: a socio-political analysis.
Newly arrived migrant/refugee students: teaching Greek as a first or second language
Transcending Boundaries: A study of multilingualism and cultural adaptation in the life of an immigrant woman living in Greece
Translanguaging in a non-formal Greek language class of adult refugee and migrant students
Intercultural Mediating: Many aspects of the same coin: Cases of Intercultural Mediators in contemporary Greek reality.
Researching self-agency of refugee children in a non-formal setting
The socio-emotional factors in Second Language Learning in Primary Education - Good practices and experiential approaches to the emergence of multicultural/multilingual identity
Educational practices and school subjects which promote human rights and social inclusion of migrants and refugees in a multicultural class- A case study at a Primary School in Oreokastro, Thessaloniki
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in language education digital platforms: The Duolingo case study
Linguistic integration of refugee and migrant students in secondary education: a case study
Critical Human Rights Education in SLL educational environment: A Critical Classroom Discourse Analysis within a refugees’ class.
Individual Differences in Second Language Learning: a study on refugee students’ motivation
The Arabic Animation Series; Language Use,Discourse and Ideology.
Examining Multilingualism and Linguistic Identities in Language Learning: Language Transfer Implications in the Refugee Context in Greece
Higher education policies and access for refugees
Language teaching to migrant/refugee minors in non-formal settings: practices and challenges.
Pre-service and in-service teacher's beliefs in refugee language education
The Effect of Motivation and Attitude on Language Learning for Adult Refugee and Migrant Learners of Greek in Non-Formal Education: A comparative case study
How intercultural competence can be the key to transform libraries to the “New Third Places” where migrant children’s social inclusion and sense of belongingness is promoted: the case of Nafpaktos Public Library
Multilingual students reflect on their linguistic repertoires through language portraits
The use of L1 in generic classes. The views of parents and teachers.
A sociolinguistic analysis of slangy expressions of Egyptian and Greek young speakers in Athenian urban center – Social parameters and emotional reasons leading to the choice of slang and possible convergence or divergence between the two target groups.
Investigating students' sense of belonging; a case study on migrant - teachers' integration perceptions and practices within formal education context
Gaming in multicultural classrooms with refugee/migrant children: exploring the potential of culturally tailored serious games as spaces for Second Language Acquisition.
Educators' perspectives on inclusive education for Ukrainian refugee children
"Language education Policies for Minor Asylum Seekers in Germany and Greece. A Comparative Study"
Refugee and Migrant Education in Schools in Greece: Teachers’ perceptions and practices about students’ inclusion in the school community
The right of immigrants and refugees to preserve their cultural identity within Germany
Exploring the identity of older students in a Greek public Intercultural primary School, through multimodal identity texts
The concept of Love in Nizar Qabbani’s poetry
Educational practices which involve human rights education and promote effective social inclusion for high school students with refugee or migrant backgrounds: teachers' perspectives.
How teaching English facilitates Social Inclusion of Newly-Arrived Students: Identifying Strategies, Teaching Activities and Practices in Multilingual Primary School Classes of Greece
The utilization of aesthetic experience during learning process in language education to adolescent students with refugee or immigrant background. A case study at the Intercultural Education High School of Athens
Delving into the most salient challenges of teaching/learning in multicultural classrooms through the teachers’ lens: A survey about the Greek context
"Η αραβοϊσραηλινή σύγκρουση και το παλαιστινιακό ζήτημα στην οθόνη- μια ποιοτική ανάλυση περιεχομένου των αραβικών και των ισραηλινών παραγωγών"
Language Attitudes and Practices through the Eyes of Arab Interpreters in Greece
LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers’ rights and international protection relating to the EU legal framework within the Greek context during 2020-2023: applied practices and life experiences.
The problems that Arabic-speaking women face both in their countries and in Greece: A comparative analysis
Gender and cultural representations in modern Arabic children's literature: Exploring picture books by Taghreed Al-Najjar and Fatima Sharafeddine
Secondary Teachers’ Perspectives on Refugee and Migrant Children Education
Promoting the sense of belongingness of refugee/migrant children in the classroom through the use of intercultural games and activities
“An ethnographic study of motivations for learning Greek and identity formation among young adult migrants.”
Unlocking the Potential of Roma Students: A Study on the Impact of Creative Activities in Teaching English as a Second Language
"In-service training as a tool to empower teachers to teach refugee and migrant students"
Investigating Teachers’ Views Concerning the Promotion of Intercultural Awareness in the 1st-grade Textbook of the Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL)
School social inclusion and immigrants: Peer relations and teacher’s attitudes towards second generation migrant students.
A powerful teacher in a multi-diverse classroom
Language practices that promote inclusion for immigrant and refugee students
Teachers as actors of intercultural education: challenges and opportunities.
Exploring Orientalist Stereotypes in the Greek Educational System: an analysis of the curricula and the educators' attitudes
The Sociolinguistic Profile of Refugee Children in Multilingual classes in Greece
The contribution of NGOs in Greek language learning: Study on the impact of diversity and lesson planning.
The human right to education for minors with migrant/refugee background in Greece
Non-adult refugees in Greece: challenges in educational contexts and integration
Διαγλωσσική εκπαίδευση σε ελληνικά δημοτικά σχολεία: η εμπλοκή ψηφιακών γλωσσικών προγραμμάτων στην εκπαίδευση μαθητών με μεταναστευτικό/προσφυγικό υπόβαθρο
Challenges in Language Teaching in Multilingual Classes; Factors that Affect the Language Learning Process
The right of immigrants and refugees to preserve their cultural identity within Greece.
‘’Utilization of Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) approach to facilitate refugee students’ second language learning: A case study in an open refugee accommodation facility in Greece.’’
Education of students with a refugee/migrant background in Greece. Effective teaching, learning strategies and challenges. The educators' perceptions.
Multilingual storytelling: From theory to practice. A case study in a preschool class in Lakonia.
The impact of Emergency Remote Teaching on primary education teachers of migrant students in Attica during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How can an educational scenario promote more effectively the learning of the German language in a classroom of diverse students in Primary Education and improve integration in the host society.
Parental involvement and migrant students’ academic progress; assistance at home
Facilitating female refugee students' inclusion in Greek schools: The importance of Parental involvement
Exploring the potential of gaming as a context for Second Language Learning in the multicultural primary classroom
Γλωσσική Εκπαίδευση για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες (LRM) -
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