1. MSc thesis
  2. Ταμβάκη, Παναγιώτα
  3. Ταμβάκη, Παναγιώτα
  4. Σπουδές στην Ορθόδοξη Θεολογία (ΟΡΘ)
  5. 2024
  6. 70
  7. Ασπρούλης, Νικόλαος
  8. Γιαγκάζογλου, Σταύρος
  9. Οικουμενικές σύνοδοι | Αιρέσεις | Δ΄ οικουμενική σύνοδος | Όρος της Χαλκηδόνας | Χριστολογικό ζήτημα | Αντιχαλκηδόνιες εκκλησίες | Υπαρξιακή ερμηνεία του δόγματος | Το πρόσωπο του Χριστού
  10. 20
  11. 0
    • οικουμενικές σύνοδοι, αιρέσεις, δ΄ οικουμενική σύνοδος, όρος της Χαλκηδόνας, Χριστολογικό ζήτημα, αντιχαλκηδόνιες εκκλησίες, υπαρξιακή ερμηνεία του δόγματος, το πρόσωπο του Χριστού
    • Christianity is based on the teachings of its founder Jesus Christ. Upon entering human history, Christ as a person was fought and his teachings distorted, creating heretical views, by people who tried to interpret his words based on logic, intellect and their own ideas and thoughts. Their positions divided the Church until today. The Church to confront the polemic of heresies Over the centuries, it convened Ecumenical Councils, which, through the decisions of the Holy Fathers who participated in them, clarified and consolidated the doctrine, as it had been handed down by God. The most important heresies of the 4th and 5th centuries that caused the split of the church were Arianism, Monophysitism and Nestorianism. The Fourth Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon (451) condemned the heresy of Monophysitism, which held that the divine nature of Christ absorbed his humanity, and resolved the Christological question that afflicted the church. The decisions of the Council caused controversy and a multitude of Christians broke away from church and created the anti-Chalcedonian churches. After the schism, theological dialogue between the two churches continues to this day to restore the unity of the church. The teaching of Christ is relevant in modern times, it is not a human construct of an old age, which needs to be reinterpreted and restated in accordance with the mores and developments of the 21st century. The Apostles of Christ after his Ascension and with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit preached the Gospel of Christ and with the correct interpretation of the Holy Fathers it was delivered unadulterated and authentic to humanity. Christ is present in today's world, as He always was after His Ascension, and will be until His Second Coming. Christ, through His Incarnation and Crucifixion, abolished death and redeemed mankind from sin.
  12. Hellenic Open University
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