Από την Μάκρη και το Λιβίσι της Μικράς Ασίας στην Νέα Μάκρη Αττικής Ενα Αφηγηματικό Φωτορεπορτάζ για τα 100χρόνια μνήμης και τιμής από την Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή

From Makri and Livisi in Asia Minor to Nea Makri, Attica. A Narrative Photojournalism for the 100 years of memory and honor from the Asia Minor disaster (Αγγλική)

  1. MSc thesis
  3. Σύγχρονες Δημοσιογραφικές Σπουδές (ΣΔΣ)
  4. 23 Ιουλίου 2023
  5. Ελληνικά
  6. 104
  8. Νικόλαος Μπακουνάκης | Χρήστος Φραγκονικολόπουλος | Ανδρέας Βέγλης
  9. Λιβίσι Μικράς Ασίας | Μάκρη Αττικής | Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή | Πρόσφυγας | Αφηγηματικό φωτορεπορτάζ
  11. 10
  12. 1
  13. Περιλαμβάνονται: Φωτογραφίες
    • Σκοπός της παρούσας Μελέτης είναι να εξετάσει το φαινόμενο της Αφηγηματικής     Δημοσιογραφίας σε ένα δείγμα σχολιογραφικών αφηγήσεων απογόνων Ελλήνων   Μικρασιατών προσφύγων του 1922 από το Λιβίσι και τη Μάκρη της Μικράς Ασίας.

      Σήμερα 100 χρόνια μετά, χάθηκε το προνόμιο να υπάρχουν αφηγήσεις πρώτης γενιάς . Οι απόγονοι Μικρασιάτες είναι δεύτερης και τρίτης γενιάς Μικρασιατών προσφύγων.

      Κάθε ιστορία είναι μια συλλογή «γεγονότων» που την δομώ βάση μιας κλίμακας αξιολόγησης αλλά και βάση του υποκειμενικού χαρακτήρα που προκύπτει κατά την διάρκεια της αφήγησης των γεγονότων. Στόχος μου να παρουσιάσω και να μελετήσω το πως αναδεικνύει και προσεγγίζει τις Αλησμόνητες Πατρίδες η Λογοτεχνία.

       Αυτές που έχασαν οι ξεριζωμένοι πρόσφυγες αλλα και την Νέα τους πατρίδα που ακούμπησαν τις ελπίδες τους φέρνοντας μαζί εναν ανεκτίμητο θησαυρό πολιτισμικό αλλα και μνήμες αγιάτρευτου καημού και δάκρυ.

      Οι Έλληνες Μικρασιάτες πριν την Μικρασιατική Καταστροφή είχαν  μεγαλουργήσει στις δυο Κωμοπόλεις στο Λιβίσι και στην Μάκρη . Αν και ο τόπος τους, δεν ήταν ιδιαίτερα εύφορος ούτε είχε μεγάλο περιθώριο να καλλιεργηθεί παραταύτα είχαν  βρει τρόπους απασχόλησης και κερδοφορίας, πέρα από τη ναυτιλία και το εμπόριο που προσφέρονταν. Το ίδιο έκαναν και ως πρόσφυγες στην Ελλάδα.

      Όταν έφθασαν, διασκορπίστηκαν σε νησιά ,χωριά σε όλη την Ελλάδα, δημιουργώντας μικρές κοινότητες. Φρόντισαν η Νέα τους Πατρίδα να τους παρέχει όλα τα απαραίτητα. Παντρεύτηκαν , έκαναν μια νέα ζωή, μια νέα αρχή αλλά ποτέ δεν ξέχασαν τις χαμένες τους  Πατρίδες ,το Λιβισι και την Μάκρη .  

      Κάπου εκεί στην Νέα Μάκρη στο καφενείο του’’ Κυρ’ Αντώνη’’ συνάντησα τους απόγονους Έλληνες  Μικρασιάτες καθώς και την πρόεδρο κα. Δαμιανού  αλλα και μέλη του Συλλόγου ΄΄Μακρηνών Λιβισιανών ‘’  οπου καθένας και καθεμία είχε μια δική του συγκινητική ιστορία να μου διηγηθεί. Storytellers διηγήματα που ενώνονται με το ορατό και αόρατο νήμα της ιστορίας κάτω από τη σκεπή του 1922 όπου έγιναν η αιτία της δημιουργίας αυτού του αφηγηματικού ρεπορτάζ.

      Η μορφή είναι διαφορετική των συνεντεύξεων διοτι αποτυπώνονται στο ρεπορτάζ σε μορφή μιας  ζέστης και πολύ ξεχωριστής συζήτησης με κάθε εκλεκτό προσκεκλημένο μου . Μία συζήτηση γεμάτη βιώματα, αυτοβιογραφικές αναφορές, ,μνήμες, δυνατές συγκινήσεις και ασφαλώς πολύ λογοτεχνία. Η αφήγηση μοιράζεται ίσα ανάμεσα στους διαλόγους και την εξέλιξη της ιστορίας από την μια πλευρά  και τις περιγραφές από την άλλη. Αυτές μπορεί να αφορούν γεγονότα ιστορικά ,τοπικά ,συνήθειες των κατοίκων καθώς και αντικείμενα καθημερινής χρήσης.Ένα  αφηγηματικό ταξίδι γεμάτο συγκινήσεις  που μας Ταξιδεύει στις Αλησμόνητες Πατρίδες με πολύ ιστορία ,λογοτεχνία  και μνήμες τόσο γνωστές αλλά και τόσο άγνωστες ξεκινά ….

      Καλή ανάγνωση

    • The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

      The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon of narrative journalism in a sample of commentary narratives of descendants of Greek Asia Minor refugees of 1922 from Livisi and Makri in Asia Minor.

      Today, 100 years later, the privilege of having first-generation narratives has been lost. The descendants of Asia Minor are second and third generation Asia Minor refugees.

      Each story is a collection of "facts" that I structure on the basis of a scale of evaluation but also on the basis of the subjective character that arises during the narration of events. My goal is to present and study how Literature highlights and approaches the Unforgettable Homelands. Those that the uprooted refugees lost, but also their New Homeland that touched their hopes, bringing with them a priceless cultural treasure, but also memories of incurable sorrow and tears.

      The Greeks of Asia Minor before the Asia Minor Catastrophe had achieved greatness in the two towns of Livisi and Makri. Although their land was not particularly fertile nor had much room to be cultivated, nevertheless they had found ways of employment and profitability, beyond the shipping and trade offered.

      They did the same as refugees in Greece. When they arrived, they dispersed to islands and villages all over Greece, creating small communities. Nea Makri, Attica, welcomes Makrinos and Livisian refugees. The refugee element is intense in the area, while each neighborhood has its own story to tell us. The Asia Minor refugees made sure that their New Homeland provided them with all the necessities. They got married, made a new life, a new beginning but never forgot their lost homelands, Livisi and Makri.

      Somewhere there in Nea Makri at the café of ''Kir Antonis'' I met the descendants of Asia Minor Greeks as well as the president Mrs. Damianou and members of the Association of "Makrinon Livisians" and each had their own touching story to tell me. Storytellers short stories that merge with the visible and invisible thread of history under the roof of 1922 where they became the cause of the creation of this narrative reportage.

      The format is different from the interviews that are depicted in the report in the form of a warm and very special conversation with each of my distinguished guests, full of experiences, autobiographical references, memories, strong emotions and of course a lot of literature.

      The narrative is divided equally between the dialogues and the development of the story on the one hand and the descriptions on the other. These may concern historical events, local events, habits of the inhabitants as well as objects of everyday use.

      A narrative journey full of emotions that takes us to the Unforgettable Homelands with a lot of history, literature and memories so known but also so unknown begins....

      Happy reading

  14. Hellenic Open University
  15. Αναφορά Δημιουργού-Μη Εμπορική Χρήση 4.0 Διεθνές